The Latex Template

Authors are strongly encouraged to prepare their manuscript in a LaTeX format using the EPL package that is specifically designed to produce an article containing all required elements.

One can download this template here: EPL LATEX package

The EPL macro can also be downloaded at the following address:

It includes all the information that will enable authors to typeset their manuscript in the same format as EPL’s, allowing them to see the exact length of their paper.

This file contains:
• README – basic instructions
• epl2.cls  – set of macros, specifically designed to produce a paper in EPL style
• epl2-doc.pdf – complete guide explaining how to use EPL macro package
• epl-template.tex – example of an article
• epl-template.eps – example of a figure (used by epl-template.tex)
• eplbib.bst – macro for the bibliography

The Word Template

If one is not really familiar with Latex environment, one can download the EPL Word template doc file (However EPL latex template remains the recommended one). Please note that this template is less accurate than the Latex version but it may give an approximate idea of a manuscript’s real length in EPL house style.

Authors can download this template here: EPL WORD package

Some tips to use the EPL WORD Template:

a) Figures and equations over 2 columns.
For one to be able to put figures and equations over the two columns, one has to manage the section break and the option concerning the number of columns.

b) Destination style:
After a copy/paste operation, one must apply the destination style. As a result, the text will be reformatted in the template style (font, size, space, interline…). Authors can also do it manually by choosing the style they want to apply to every part of the article.

For the title please apply the 01_Title style
For the author names please apply the 02_Author style
For figures caption please apply the 13_Figure_caption style
For tables caption please apply the 14_Table_Legend style

This is the most important point in order to have a close assessment of what a manuscript looks like in EPL house style. In case of problem and for further information, please contact The Editorial Office.